Title: Pakistan’s Vision for the Next Decade of CPEC: Senator Mushahid Hussain Foresees Record Development
In a profound address at the 8th CPEC Media Forum, Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed, Chairman of the Senate Standing Committee on Defence, confidently asserted that Pakistan is positioned on the right side of history by steadfastly standing with China. He expressed optimism about the transformative impact of the second phase of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) on the nation’s development and economy.
Jointly organized by the Pakistan-China Institute (PCI) and the China Economic Net, the forum centered around the theme ‘Next decade of CPEC: Opportunities & learning from the past decade.’ Serving as the chief guest, the caretaker minister for Information also shared insights during the event.
Senator Mushahid eloquently characterized the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) as the most pivotal development initiative of the 21st century, providing not only a new path to development but also a fresh framework for international cooperation. Under CPEC’s first phase, a substantial $26 billion investment resulted in the creation of 236,000 jobs, the generation of 8,000 megawatts of electricity, and the construction of 510 kilometers of roads and highways.
As the focus shifts to the second phase, Senator Mushahid shed light on key projects, prominently the Main Line-1 (ML-1) railway infrastructure upgrade extending from Karachi to Peshawar, covering an impressive 1,872 kilometers. Undoubtedly, this undertaking stands as the most significant transformation in Pakistan’s railway infrastructure since its independence.
The second phase is marked by three critical aspects: the ML-1 upgrade, the establishment of special economic zones, and the relocation of Chinese industries. Senator Mushahid also underscored the paramount importance of agricultural cooperation, emphasizing advancements in irrigation technology and joint efforts to address issues in regions like Cholistan.
Addressing the prevailing narrative around CPEC, Senator Mushahid emphatically called for debunking disinformation, stressing the project’s positive impact on poverty reduction and development. He unequivocally declared Pakistan’s alignment with China on core interests and highlighted the mutually beneficial nature of their enduring relationship.
Quoting the words of Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal, Senator Mushahid passionately reinforced the vision of a rising Asia, seamlessly aligning with China’s peaceful ascent. He urged collaborative efforts in building a better tomorrow, firmly rejecting occupations and violations of UN resolutions.
Chinese Ambassador Jiang Zaidong expressed heartfelt gratitude for the forum, emphasizing the positive economic indicators in China. He also underscored the importance of robust media cooperation to counter external forces spreading misinformation about CPEC.
Pakistani Ambassador to China, Khalil Hashmi, offered insightful reflections on the unique and resilient relationship between China and Pakistan. He recognized CPEC as a symbol of joint efforts to strengthen economic ties, emphasizing the pivotal role of people-to-people goodwill.
The Executive Director of PCI, Mustafa Hyder Sayed, extended a warm welcome to special guests from Gwadar University, underscoring the people-centric foundation of CPEC cooperation, extending beyond mere infrastructure development. The forum served as a significant platform to celebrate achievements, review lessons learned, and chart a path for the future.